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  • Monday, January 17, 2011

    Preparing to Face The Day of Reckoning

    Preparing to Face The Day of Reckoning

    Fear and give thanks to Allah, who has provided the goodness and pleasure to all of us. and make haste toward what brought by prophet Muhammad PBUH, Al-Qur'an and Hadith which has been derived.

    Take a lesson from the rich people before gaining the glory of living in the world. as a result of greed for wealth, then the pleasure will disappear from their expectations. and various tests will come to destroy their glory.

    Eventually, doom grabbing their enjoyment, so that they also experienced irregularities and inappropriate than what they expected. So fear Allah, O servants of Allah, and prepare yourself as well as possible before facing him. Commander of the Faithful Umar bin Khattab, once said : "Count on yourself before you are taken into account (judged), and weigh yourself before you are weighed in the light (in the hereafter). Prepare to face God on the great day of reckoning, when you are faced with nothing secrets hidden".

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