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  • Friday, February 18, 2011

    20 Impossible Nature of God in Islam

    20 Impossible Nature of God in Islam

    In Islam, we are taught that There are 20 Impossible Nature of God. we must know them, so that we can know all about our God. The 20 Impossible Nature of God are :
    • 'Adam (العدم) means "Doesn't Exist". It's impossible that God does not exist while His creation is.
    • Huduts (الحدوث) means "New". It's impossible that the creator exists later than his creation (new).
    • Fana (الفناء) means "Damaged". It's impossible for God to be damaged. if so, there is someone who makes him damaged. Meaning that God is weak. It's impossible that God is weak.
    • Mumatsalatu Lil Hawaditsi (مماثلة للحوادث) means "Equals with Makhluk (Creations)". It's impossible that God equals with Makhluk (Creations). Example : Human has many disabilities, such as wrong, forget, weak, need someone else, etc. it's impossible that God equals with human.
    • Ihtiyaju ila ghairihi (احتياج الى غيره) means "Need someone else". If God need someone else, meaning that God is weak (can not do on his own). It's impossible for God.
    • Ta'addud (تعدد) means "Many". If God are many, disputes will arise, each God will compete to be the most among them. it's impossible for God.
    • Ajzu (عجز) means "Weak". Weakness is negative for human nature, let alone for God.
    • Karohah (كراهة) means "Forced". If God is forced, meaning there is someone more almighty than God. It's impossible.
    • Jahlun (جهل) means "Foolish". If God is foolish, how does He creates and rules this world and all its contents.
    • maut (موت) means "Dead". If god is dead, meaning that there is someone stronger makes him dead. It's impossible for god.
    • Shomam (صمم) means "Deaf". Deaf is a weakness. and it's not the nature of God.
    • 'Ama (عمى) means "Blind". Blind is also a weakness, and impossible for god.
    • Bakam (بكم) means "Mute". Mute is also a weakness, and impossible for God.
    • Kaunuhu 'Ajizan (كونه عجزا) means "His circumstance is weak". It's impossible for God to be in a weak conditions.
    • Kaunuhu Mukrohan (كونه مكرها) means "His circumstance is forced". It's impossible for God to be in forced conditions.
    • Kaunuhu Jaahilan (كونه جاهلا) means "His circumstance is Foolish". It's impossible for God to be in foolish conditions.
    • Kaunuhu Mayyitan (كونه ميتا) means "His circumstance is Dead". It's impossible for God to be in dead conditions.
    • Kaunuhu Ashom (كونه أصم) means "His circumstance is Deaf". It's impossible for God to be in Deaf conditions.
    • Kaunuhu A'ma (كونه أعمى) means "His circumstance is Blind". It's impossible for God to be in Blind conditions.
    • Kaunuhu Baakima (كونه باكما) means "His circumstance is Mute". It's impossible for God to be in Mute conditions.
    Thanks for reading 20 Impossible Nature of God in Islam. Please see our next post  Mandatory Nature of the Apostles.

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