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  • Sunday, February 27, 2011

    Islamic Ethics

    Islamic Ethics

    God sent his messenger, Muhammad peace be upon him, to give guidance and good news, invite people to the noble character and good behavior. God and His prophet has explained a few things about good behavior and proper to be done by a Muslim. That is quite a lot, such as :
    • Make peace among men, as the word of God "There is no good in most of their secret talks save (in) Him who orders sadaqah (charity in Allah's cause), or Ma'ruf (Islamic monotheism and all the good and righteous deeds which Allah has ordained) or conciliation between mankind, and He who does this, seeking the good pleasure of Allah, we shall give him a great reward" (Surah An-Nisaa, verse 114)
    • Islam has made believers as brothers who are required to reconcile each others in times of strife. As God said "The believers are nothing else than brothers (in Islamic religion). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy" (Surah Al-Hujuraat, verse 10)
    • Improve each other within the same human being is one of the most important act, prophet Muhammad pbuh said "Would you please let me tell you an act more mainstream than the position of fasting, prayer, and charity?" They answered "yes" He said "that is, to reconcile with each other among fellow Muslims". (Hadeeth Bukhori)
    • Keep the hospitality or relationship (Silaturahim) between Muslims. As Allah said in Surah Muhammad, verse 22-23 "Would you then, if you were given the authority, do mischief in the land, and sever your ties of kinship?. Such are they whom Allah has cursed, so that He has made them deaf and blinded their sight" and His word in surah Al-Isroo, verse 26 "And give to the kindred his due and to the Miskin (poor) and to the wayfarer but spend not wastefully (your wealth) in the manner of spendthrift"
    • Respect guests, do good to the neighbors, and keep the tongue. Prophet Muhammad SAW (peace be upon him) said "Anyone who believes in Allah and the day of resurrection, then he should honor his guest, and any person who believes in Allah and the day of resurrection, then let him do good to his neighbors, and those who believes in Allah and the day of resurrection, then let him say good or silent" (Hadits Muslim)
    • Give good gift. The prophet of Allah said "Give each of you and love each other" (Hadits Bukhori)
    • Not permissible for a muslim to a muslim brother's silence more than 3 days/ nights. The apostle of Allah said "Not permissible for a muslim to a muslim brother's silence for more than 3 nights. if they meet the one who turned his face away and also the other one, the best in between the two is who starting with greeting" (Hadits Muslim)
    • Loving the small and give glory to the greater. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said "Are not included in our class who does not love a child and not give glory to the greater". (Hadits Bukhori)
    • Say in the morning and afternoon as what was said by the prophet of Allah; "we have got up this morning and the whole kingdom of God, all praise belong to God no partner for Him, and there is no God (who has the right of worship) except Allah and to Him is our return". And if in the late afternoon he said "We are in the afternoon and the whole kingdom of God and no partner for Him and there is no God (who has the right of worship) except Allah and to Him we'll return". (Hadits Bukhori)
    • Visit the sick to comfort him and pray for him. As the apostle of Allah said "Someone who visit the sick and he is in the garden of heaven until he returns". (Hadith Muslim)

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